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Monthly Archives: June 2009

City of your dreams

Financial Times' 2009 ranking of the Most Livable Cities in the world.  Not a single American city made into the list. Find out why by listening to this lively discussion from On Point, "What's a 'livable' city now?".

Bernanke’s testimony on BoA+ML deal

This is a bit old (five days ago). One thing after listening to the testimony is the Fed helped to hide Merrill’s loss, intentionally.

Lost decade for private sector jobs

Private sector jobs growth, if measured by change over the last decade, reaches almost zero.

More from Business Week.

Commodity Supercycle

We are in a commodity super cycle.

China’s industrialization is certainly one of the main contributing factors. And if the current cycle is coupled with high inflation, if not hyperinflation, where investors find investing in both bonds and equities become much less attractive, the super cycle will be pushed to a newer level.

Watch this video analysis from FT:

(click to watch the video)

Chinese Yuan back to hard peg to the dollar

An analysis of recent development of Chinese currency Yuan.

(click to watch the video; source: FT)

The sharp rising personal savings rate

The latest reading was 6.9%, a 16-year high. Are we witnessing a fundamental shift in American consumption??

(click to enlarge; source: St. Louis Fed)

Alan Blinder on inflation vs. deflation

Alan Blinder, former Fed vice chairman, on inflation and when to expect the Fed will hike the rate. His main message: inflation is not the danger.

Inflaiton debate continues

Economists and policy makers are divided over whether we will have a surge in inflation, and when the monetary policy should be tightened after inflation appears.

Uncertainties in government’s attitude and actions toward inflation will certainly make inflation-hedge investment strategies look even more attractive.